Monday, July 4, 2016

July Dark Moon 2016

It's Independence Day here in the US. We're not doing anything special; staying indoors where it's not hot and humid, and cleaning the house. Had some corndogs and onion rings to kind of match the day, but like I said, nothing special.

This dark moon's tarot card pull is strength. "The strength to create peace between opposing forces. These forces may be internalized or personified in a situation. Tame them. You have the strength!"

I have no idea what this means. I've been sitting here trying to meditate on this but I'm drawing a blank. I guess I need the strength to reach my goals. I have a lot of internalized feelings regarding certain relationships. I have this constant feeling of impending doom now that graduation is only a couple weeks away. Eighteen days...

I don't know what I'm doing with my life. I have a few things set down, but nothing set in stone. I constantly feel tired and disconnected. Hopefully I'll find the strength to just keep going. I'm not very good at this adulting thing.

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