Thursday, September 22, 2016

Autumn Equinox

I celebrated the autumn equinox a little early on Sunday the 18th with some local pagans I've come to call friends. It was simple, and I don't remember much thanks to the heat. We were drenched in sweat even though we were in the shade. It's funny to me that we are celebrating the second harvest, when things start to cool down, and Texas is like, nope, still 110 degrees outside in the shade. It was a simple ritual, not complicated at all, and we gave thanks for the harvest and for our friends and family. It wasn't a large group, but still plenty of people. I felt at peace in the end.

Today I'm just going to light a candle and say a prayer, courtesy from Mrs. B's Guide to Household Witchery by Kris Bradley.

"I light the candle to honor the season and to give thanks for the abundance in my life. I strive to remember these blessings and give thanks for them through the entire year. I strive to remember to share these blessings with others not as fortunate as I am, even when I have little to share. I give thanks to the Lord and Lady for all my blessings this Mabon season, and give thanks for all those blessings that will come to me this glorious fall season. So mote it be."

Harvest blessings to everyone. Blessed be.

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