Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week Nine

08 Oct 08 - 15 Oct 08
Days 65 through 72

Divination night with the Sage Circle is tonight at my house. I am super excited. They will be here soon and we get to play with all sorts of divintaion tools.

I have a few makeshift tools that I made. My Ouija board is from an old cardboard box that I just painted and laminated. I'm thinking of using it for my final project in my handcrafting class. We have to just write a paper on how we make a magickal tool.

On the 12th I took my first exam for Wicca Revealed. Got a 100 and have started studying lesson two. I'm very much enjoying this bit. I didn't know the Creation Myth, so there is something to add into my new information.

I need to start getting ready for tonight...

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