Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Week Eight

30 Sep 08 - 07 Oct 08
Days 57 through 64

I am still thinking about last week's lesson about glass and metal. Yeah, that will never happen. Let me reiterate that I am not all graceful.

This week's lesson we learned about jewelry making. I love it. I have so many idea for talismans, amulets and charms but no way of getting the supplies right now. Every time I think of beaded work I always think of Bobbi. She has such beautiful magickal peices and you can feel so much power and love in them when you hold them.

Magickal Handcrafting is finishing up soon -- by the end of this month. Our last lesson is title Finishing Touches. I've yet to even glance at it since it has no assignment, but the Final Exam will be open soon.

So I kept getting super antsy about my Wicca Revealed class that I kept going to Magicka. I ended up joining Beginning Tarot. At least with this course the exams are every two weeks and not 28 days. Right now I'm reading the history, some popular creators and decks, and the Fool.

I'm hoping all of this learning won't make my head explode.

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