Wednesday, January 20, 2016

New Moon January 9, 2016 and the Empress

OK, so I know that this is well over a week after the fact, but I attended my first ritual in YEARS back on Saturday the 9th with Hearthstone Grove in Austin. They are a lovely group of people, and though I don't see them often, I do hold them close to my heart. Their Dark Moon rituals are held to the public, so even though I am not a member of the grove, I'm still able to attend ritual.

To be honest, I don't remember much of the ritual except a few things. The temperature was about 37° F, so that may have attributed to my memory loss as I spent most of my time focusing on trying not to freeze. I had left right after school and had only worn my hoodie sweater, so I borrowed one from a friend and put that over mine. Even though I was wearing two hoodies, I was still cold. It didn't help that the log for the bonfire wouldn't light. A good chunk was spent just trying to get the damned thing going. Booze was added to amp the flame, but even that didn't work. Paper was found and draped all over and eventually it did stay lit, but of course, after everyone had given up and said "If it blows out, then, whatever." I remember the opening and closing of the circle, which was done by walking deosil and later widdershins, and singing both times, but can't recollect what songs were sung. I always enjoy this part of ritual, especially in a group. It's the only time I can harmonize, and it sounds so lovely to me. There was also a part, during offering, where the leader decided to 'twerk' at the fire as his offering. I'm quite sure the gods were pleased with his booty bouncing. :)

Anyway, during ritual, a card from the Tarot was pulled to represent the next few weeks until the next new phase. The card pulled was The Empress.

According to the Rider-Waite, the Empress signifies "Birth. Growth. Development. Nurturing. The Empress is a good mother. Fruitful, benevolent, loving and caring. A person of station deserving of respect. When seeking answers about one's self, the card may indicate motherly worries about people or projects. It may raise the question of too much mothering or over-protectiveness. It may also be a reminder to the seeker that patience and persistence are necessary when nurturing growth. Traditionally, fertility, wealth, marriage, a female family member." Reversed, the meaning changes to "The opposite of nurturing and caring. Disregard for others. Abandonment of those who need care. Perhaps an indication to learn to be a better nurturer or caretaker. Traditionally, infertility, poverty, lethargy, infidelity."

According to the Crowley Thoth tarot, the Empress resembles "Love. Beauty. Happiness. Pleasure. Success. Fruitfulness. Good Fortune. Graciousness. Elegance. Gentleness." Ill-dignified, it represents "Dissipation. Debauchery. Idleness. Sensuality.

In another deck it means "Utilizing your creativity. Manifesting; allowing things to grow and develop around you. Growth and prosperity. Reversed: Too easygoing; the need to stand up for your rights."

There are more similar meanings elsewhere, especially online, and you can find one at

As for what it means to me, I see it as a whole lot of change is coming.

I already had a faint idea that change was coming. I had gone to a New Year's Eve party at a friend's and crashed on her couch afterwards. I had a lot of dreams, but the one that I remembered was one dealing with change. The exact words said in the dream were 'change is coming,' and I innately knew that it would be long and even painful in some parts. I had it sitting in the back of my mind for a while but hadn't let it truly sink in until I sat and meditated about this card.

Change is coming. Big changes. I don't know if it was meant just for me, for the group, for the nation, or for the world, but it will come. I feel nowhere near prepared for life, but I asked for this. I already made plans for changes to occur. Some changes are, of course, happening without any of my control, but others I've set into motion. I can tell you I'm terrified. I've grown comfortable. Regardless of how I feel, though, change is coming.

On another note, I found it interesting that Joanna of Kick-Ass Witch ( has called 2016 her Year of the Queen. She mentioned this in late December, and what I find funny is that the first card pulled for me for the year just happened to be the Empress, which, of course, is a queen.

Here's to a life-changing year, even though I'm already wishing for a do-over.

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