Monday, March 21, 2016

Ostara 2016

Yesterday was a very simple day. Since it was a Sunday, I spent it with the children. Since it was the first of Spring and therefore, Ostara, I bought them all ice cream and we planted flowers and made a little windowsill garden out of the planting pails. We spent the day enjoying the sunshine and playing co-op on a Zelda 3ds game.

I didn't celebrate Ostara until today. This, too, was simple as I don't have my own personal altar space and have to wing it. I kept it very low-key and am now sitting here watching the candles burn out. Someone on Facebook posted a lovely prayer that they themselves how found on Tumblr about a year ago. I used it for my ritual. It goes:

"May you find fertility in the way you wish to have it:
A fertile imagination
A fertile career
A fertile garden
A fertile social life
A fertile body
A fertile hobby
Whatever your seeds of choice may be, I hope they grow for you in the way you dream of."

I think this pretty much covers it. I'm looking forward to Spring.

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