Monday, October 10, 2016

Working on My Craft

So, having lived in my mom's house and under her rules, one thing that she told me was that she accepted the fact that I was a witch, but that I was not allowed to practice in her house. Seeing as I was living there rent-free with meals prepared, I had no objection. Unfortunately, a year plus of minimal practice and lately I've been feeling detached from my practice. This upcoming Celtic New Year (Samhain) feels like the perfect time to get back into my religion and practice.

I have two books that I've had forever and have just been too lazy to read completely through. The first one is The Witch In Every Woman by Laurie Cabot, and the other one is A Witch Alone by Marian Green. Cabot's book has exercises after every chapter with no real timeline. I started reading that today and have made it barely through chapter one because I was busy with the mundane. I will get to it, at least, that's the plan. Green's book is more year-and-a-day based with 13 exercises that follow the moon cycles. I plan on starting this on October's new moon, which so awesomely falls on October 30.

I have a lot on my plate, emotionally, so we'll see how this pans out.

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