Monday, January 1, 2007

Gaining Confidence

Moon phase: 2nd in Gemini
Planet: Moon
Colour: Grey

"Don't be turned off by pre-written spells. In fact, reading them will help you collect ideas on how to use rhyme and/or structure and how spells are closed. If you need to change a spell to better suit your needs, don't feel guilty. Changing spells will build your confidence for writing new ones.
"Start off by keeping it simple. If the spell is too long to remember, recite it from a written document. If you are writing it by hand into you Book of Shadows, don't forget to include colour. Make use of different coloured pens to match the energy you want to raise or attract. For a love spell, use a red pen. For a healing spell, maybe use blue.
"Remember to record all aspect to your magical work in your BOS. Your BOS (or D[isk]OS, if you're totally techno-Pagan) is not only a record of your ritual work, it's a reflective learning tool to give you inspiration and confidence for your next round of spells. Assess what went well and what parts of the ritual can be improved. This makes your path an ongoing learning journey.
"There will be times when a pre-written spell suits your purpose or requires only minor adjustments. On other occasions, you will need something unique. Tailor-made spells and rituals are intensely personal because they are imbued with your specific intent and energy. Even with a busy lifestyle, it's worth taking the time to master the skill of spell-crafting so you can create customized solutions for yourself."

-Emily Flak
Tips for the Busy Witch

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