Saturday, July 12, 2008


Elementals are nature spirits that are called upon to aid in magick.

- Earth, North. Givers of material gain and stability. The rulers of the forest. Seen as "little people", like brownies or pygmies, or green light. Protectors of outdoor circles and groves.

- Air, East. Givers of wishes, knowledge, and dreams. The rulers of weather. Envisioned as "faeries" or angels, or white light. Protectors of magickal applications. Delicate beings with beautiful wings.

- Fire, South. Givers of passion and creativity. The rulers of fields and fire or blue flame. Envisioned as dragons or lizards or red-orange lights. Protectors of hearth, home, and business.

- Water, West. Givers of love and friendship. Envisioned as mer-people, sirens, or pink or pale blue lights. Rulers of all water. Protectors of the gates of death and karma.

When using elementals, the pentacle employs control over them. The pentagram (usually with one point up) is an interlocking five pointed star. Each point of the pentagram stands for an element. Earth is located at the lower left hand corner; Fire is the lower right hand corner, Water, the upper right hand corner, and Air on the Upper left hand corner, with the uppermost point representing the Divine. The circle signifies the melding of all the elements through the work of humankind and indicates the universal mystery of oneness.

An upside-down pentacle represents chaos and is rarely used.

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