Tuesday, August 12, 2008


In essence, libation is an offering given to the Gods. In my personal practice, I do not use wine; I do not like alcohol. So it is substituted with grape or apple juice. Sometimes liquid is not available and I offer a small meal or other offering to the Gods. Libation (as in a liquid offering) is not always needed.

is an act of honoring a deity by offering a portion of wine and other liquids. In modern Witchcraft libations are usually given with wine following moon rituals. Each member pours out a small portion of wine from a chalice upon the ground as they look upward toward the moon. In some traditions remnants of the ritual meal, such as cookies, or pieces of cake, are tossed toward the moon as an additional offering. In the closing, the members perform the custom of "kissing the hand" to the moon, which involves kissing the left hand and raising it to the moon. A modern version of the older custom is "throwing a kiss" to the moon.

Source: http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/l/libation.html

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