Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Week One

05 Aug 2008 - 12 Aug 2008
Days 1 through 8

Most people think I must be out of my mind to be doing this. By "this" I mean my "Year and a Day" training. Now I've been a practicing Pagan for almost ten years now. I've already gone through my training. It took me almost two years to fully understand Wicca and where it stood in my life. But lately I've felt like I've reached a spiritual plateau, where everything just stopped inspiring me and my soul just flat-lined. So I decided then to start from the beginning and do a bit of a spiritual journey to test my knowledge and watch my spiritual growth.

On the 5th, I decided to join the Pagan Online Campus (http://www.thepagancampus.net/) again. I used to take some classes there (that I never quite finished) and chose to register for Magickal Handcrafting. I'm thinking the best way to actually pass something is to only take one class at a time instead of two and space out my assignment instead of waiting until the last minute.

I've already done my first lesson for the week and recieved a 100% for the assignment. This week it was about basic correspondences for color and some basic crafting knowledge. I am hoping that by the end of the class I will be able to make more professional tools and then some.

Now the course is weekly, however, the only reason I will be updating this journal weekly is because that is all the time I really have to write down my feelings. With two very small children, it becomes difficult to keep a diary, so a weekly journal should work out well.

Here's to a new beginning.

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