Monday, September 22, 2008

Week Seven

22 Sep 08 - 29 Sep 08
Days 49 through 56

Mabon was spent in Omaha with my family and I just said a small thanks to the Divine for everything I have in this world. We passed a hit deer that someone had kindly moved to the side of the road and I took this as a natural symbol for the sacrifice of the Sun. The deer had been a quite mature buck so I associated him with God as we drove passed.

In Magickal Handcrafting qw are on glass and metal. The procedures and precautions needed make me know for a fact that I will not be using this crafting technique any time soon. I have drawn much blood just handsewing blankets. No sharp or acidic products for me -- thanks!

I am getting super antsy for my first test in my Wicca Revealed course. I decided to look into Alexandrian tradition as I already own books by the Farrars and I don't want to search online. I'm reading The Witches' Bible and so far I am very pleased with how they are explaining everything.

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