Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week Six

14 Sep 08 - 21 Sep 08
Days 41-48

So on Monday I decided to join the Magicka School. Someone had mentioned the free course they gave on Wicca and how awesome it was so I had to go and check it out. The upside is that you get to go at your own pace. The downside is that the course material is truly intended for a year training and the minimum wait time allowed to pass before your first test (and future exams) is 28 days. On the positive--it forces you to actually analyze the material and take your time with it.

For the first lesson it gives you the "founding fatherss" for a lack of a better term. I have to do a research project on one of the traditions and because I'm horribly lame I chose Gardner. I thought I was just being lazy for choosing Gardner but the truth of the matter is that before I became eclectic as I am now, my main study focus was in the Gardnerian tradition.

Meh. I don't know -- maybe I'll just do Alexandrian or Seax-Wica. Though the Feri tradition is inticing. I need to re-read Starhawk.

The past two lessons in handcrafting were of sculpting and molds, and wood. I'm now thinking of creating icons for divinity from clay since that is a lot cheaper than paying $50+ for statuary. I'll probably never do anything with wood. My mother used to be an artisan and her wood carvings were wonderful but the tools scared the crap out of me. I am not very graceful -- I'd carve my hand instead.

Tomorrow is Mabon and I have nothing planned.

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